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Health Honey App: A Sweet Data Management Solution
Data, data everywhere! The major advancements in diabetes technology over the past 20 years have been life-changing for people with type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, all that data can be overwhelming for both the person with T1D and their healthcare team.

Editor’s Note: T1D writer Ginger Vieira is one of the creators of Honey Health app content.
In today’s healthcare system, people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) might have 20 minutes to spend with their endocrinologist a few times a year. That 20-minute appointment is precious, yet half of it can be consumed with the tedious steps of gathering data from continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), insulin pumps, and glucose meter technology.
Today, many chronic conditions like T1D require daily care at home, which also means most of the critical data is generated at home. How do we get that data to the clinicians?
Imagine the frustration everyone likely feels when a patient can’t access their Dexcom or Omnipod data so they can send that data to their healthcare team. They can’t remember their password or username. It isn’t working. Password reset? Which email account did that go to?
The clock is ticking. Multiply this time-consuming task by 20 patients per day.
Honey Health Offers Data Streamlining with AI-Driven Technology
Honey Health’s AI-driven platform instantly connects diabetes technology with a patient’s electronic health record (EHR) — seamlessly providing clinicians with critical data to review at each appointment.

This technology shines a bright light on a big problem in diabetes clinical care: the time-consuming work of accessing and reviewing patient data.
Honey Health’s true goal is to increase the time clinicians can spend talking to their patients!
All About Honey Health
It all started when Matt Faustman, CEO and co-founder of Honey Health, watched his endocrinologist struggle to access his data during an appointment nearly 10 years ago after his T1D diagnosis.
“I remember how much time it took to simply get my diabetes data onto her system from this pump and that CGM,” recalled Faustman. “And I remember thinking, ‘Wow, she has to jump through all these hoops with every patient?’ I realized the amount of time this probably takes away from having meaningful conversations with her patients — it shouldn’t be this hard.”
Faustman and a team of savvy engineers, all of whom previously worked together at LinkedIn, got to work to solve the T1D data-gathering problem.
Today, Honey Health’s platform connects a patient’s CGM, pump, and glucose meter data with the clinician’s electronic health record (EHR) system instantly.
The best part? It’s automatic and instant. Zero work for the patient or their healthcare team.

Automatic Patient Reports & Population Insights
“We dramatically cut down the time everyone — including the endocrinologist and support staff — have to spend accessing, managing, and reviewing that data,” explained Faustman. “The reports start with visual PDFs and live interactive reports, easy on the eyes, and dig deeper into the analytics from there.”
Data Writebacks
Data writebacks are the overall analysis of a patient’s data, automatically filling out the need-to-know details for every patient’s EMR.
Easy Patient Reminders
The Honey Health app provides reminders to patients before the appointment with automatic nudges to send data to the clinic before their appointment.
Time-Saving Tasks
By taking over repetitive and time-consuming chores, Honey Health reports saving each clinician about eight and a half weekly hours of work.
Increase Revenue
By increasing each clinician’s capacity to serve their patients and streamline certain tasks, Honey Health reports an increased clinic revenue of over $45,000 annually per clinician.

What’s more, Honey Health’s platform can also identify trends within the clinic’s entire patient population.
“Our platform can identify high-risk patients weeks in advance,” added Faustman. “This includes the patients most likely to experience a hospitalization for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) soon, and the patients most in need of critical intervention and support.”

Other Honey Health Perks
Patient-Facing Content
The Honey Health app is free and available to anyone, regardless of whether their healthcare team is a HoneyHealth customer. It’s also fun to use and easily accessible.
CGM Automatic Weekly Reports
Connect your CGM for automatic weekly reports. These reports give you an easy snapshot of the past week, with time-in-range, average blood sugar, and your coefficient variation. If you’re not a fan of your CGM’s complicated reports, Honey’s app makes it light and easy to review each week.

Community Videos
Honey Health has a few dozen content creators who live with T1D or support people with T1D. You can open the app daily to watch videos on a wide range of topics, including fitness, technology, GLP-1 medications, daily tips, mental health, and more.
This means clinicians can simplify the backend of supporting their patients while also providing them with an upbeat and knowledgeable community of T1Ds!
Honey Health is Expanding!
Honey Health is expanding soon to support other chronic conditions. Diabetes certainly isn’t the only chronic condition that juggles immense amounts of data across different brands of technology. HoneyHealth is broadening its technology to serve specialties like cardiology and pulmonology, where more devices are being used to support patients' self-care outside of the clinic or hospital setting.

The true problem is obvious: clinicians are trying to manage an overwhelming amount of data daily, which is consuming valuable time otherwise spent with their patients. Honey Health’s AI-driven platform streamlines data management by automatically integrating data from innovative health technology, merging it directly with each patient’s EHR.
Wanna join the revolution while saving an immeasurable amount of time and money in your clinic? Visit JoinHoneyHealth.com to learn more.